Reply To: Get Over Ended Shidduch

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Dr. Pepper


I sympathize with what you’re going through- it’s definitely very painful and there’s not much anyone can say or do to alleviate the pain. Time will heel though and hopefully soon you’ll find your bashert. At that point you can look back and you just may see the יד השם.

From a spiritual perspective- have faith that השם has someone better in mind for you.

From a practical perspective- this means that you’re one closer to finding the right one. (You’ll probably also appreciate them more given what you had to go through to find them.)

As far as the person you just went out with- please don’t hold it against them or think too deeply into what may have gone wrong. As someone who unfortunately had to be that person in the past, I can attest that it doesn’t mean that the person felt that they were better than you or that something wasn’t perfect about you- it can mean you weren’t what they had in mind.

It’s frustrating that the way the process works you can end a date with all the right formalities and can’t wait until you get to speak with the other person again but then never get the chance to. That’s just how the process has to work for צניות purposes.

When I was in your situation I would say some תהילים, not that the person should reconsider, or that the next one should work. Rather I’d ask השם to send the right one at the right time and with as little aggravation and hurt feelings (on both sides) as possible.

May you be זוכה to find your true bashert at the right time.

Until then, the Coffee Room is chock full of horror stories that others have gone through. Go ahead and check them out- it may cheer you up.

א גוטין חודש
