Reply To: Trumpamania?

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Jack, there’s a difference between presidents being attacked. Obama could have withdrew Afghanistan Biden style and still would have been praised. Even the good things that Trump had done were being shown in a negative light by the media, and twisting the whole narrative to show how bad it was. Also you can’t compare a single fox news to the whole media which is leftist and majority.

As far as Biden goes there is a lot to be critical of so it’s not comparable. I’m sure if by Trump cooling terms with North Korea which noone could have done but him, shutting the mouth of the Palestinians to the point that they practically gave up on having their own state and accepting Israel as the only country, being on good terms with Putin, and having the world leaders fear and respect the U.S., if the media hadn’t attacked him on that and actually recognized the strong moves, he wouldn’t have been so extreme this time around. But they just wouldn’t have it no matter what they hated Trump because he wasnt letting the leftist corruption have their way.

The problem is when the left pushes the right so much, the right becomes very extreme and dangerous.