Reply To: Question for Frum Jews who are anti Trump

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EJMRBro, you wrote “I have thrown the proverbial grenade into this chat and have learned there are more libs on this site than I thought.

Maybe the next poast should be about how many of you support toeiva.”

Classic example of the sophisticated thinking that abounds here — are those the only alternatives?

EMJRBro, I guess it’s funny to yank everyone’s chains, but it actually would be positive for people to explain their non-conformist opinions, as in the never-Trump people, because maybe, just maybe, we might learn something from comparing opinions.

Personally, as a Torah-Jew, I am completely repulsed by Trump’s personality, pleased by many of his policies – esp towards Israel – and still so weirded out by the lionizing of him by the velt. We haven’t show so much enthusiasm for any politician in recorded history. Why did we pick someone so personally objectionable?

I wish wish wish someone who actually has a brain AND conservative values AND normal kiddos would run a successful campaign, but I’m afraid that is not in the cards.

I reject both of your options. When it came to Hilary and Trump, I couldn’t vote for either. Last round, I held my nose and preferred Trump, but his big diatribe against Netanyahu was no surprise to me — Trump really has no values besides himself, so like a baby he tantrums… He could turn on us as fast as he supported us, as the spirit moves him.

If it’s Trump vs Biden, I will have to abstain again.

I think we all need to simply look upwards – that is the takeaway. Ein Od Milvado.

Why are so many frum people busy with this nonsense?!?