Reply To: Re forced draft on Haredim passed by Seculars (& Arabs)

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The anti-zionist hareidim (who don’t depend on government funding) can engage in open resistance, and possibly do great damage to Israel’s image abroad (for example, having frum Jews complaining to international human rights groups, or requesting asylum as refugees from anti-Jewish persecution).

The more “establishment” hareidim (who happen to have been accepting money from the zionists, and would have real problems without that funding) have a real problem. They have been supporting the medinah for over a generation. It will be a real loss of face to for them to start resisting the zionists.

If this isn’t reversed, the big winners will be Neturei Karta, the Eidos Hareidos (Badats) and Satmar, since they will have been vindicated in their anti-zionism. If the zionists attempt to conscript members of groups that have always opposed the medinah, they will be liable to be violating international human rights norms on conscientious objection (which would not be the case of those hareidim who have been supported by the government).