Reply To: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? Reply To: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time?


kanoy, I apologize for mistreating your post. I appreciate complexity that indeed exists in these matters and I am all for considering them. Still, I think we first need to review simple things before going to esoteric.

Biden did not have that many tasks from Obama. He needed to be sure that his son is not doing dirty business in the country he is … fighting corruption. And not flying with him to meet Chinese “investors”. I am not sure why Obama sent Biden to Ukraine given the embarrassing situation. In real life, everyone related to Hunter would lose government security clearances due to possibility of blackmail.

By the way, it is not fully clear how this fighting corruption was good business. On one hand, we do want to have clean countries. On the other hand, Ukrainians just got rid of pro-Soviet president and needed, and still need, all the help they can get. Their President said at Munich that even now, emergency help they get is tied to corruption benchmarks. Biden’s people are as full of “theories” that blind them to reality as Germans – who just now are starting to reconsider their gas supplies – as Trump told them repeatedly.