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Sam Klein

Today’s tragic wake up IN ACTION HAPPENING NOW call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel only 2 weeks ago that was no coincidence.


World War 1, World War 2 And the Current War of the Invasion of Russia into Ukraine which can Chas Vshalom bring the world today to another world War 3 if we don’t wake ourselves up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP

All 3 Wars if you put the numbers of the date each war started they all come out to the same Gematria numerical Value number of 68

World War 1 started on
July 28 1914
That’s 7+28+19+14=68

World War 2 started on
January 9 1939
That’s 1+9+19+39=68

Current Russian invasion to Ukraine War started on
February 24 2022
That’s 2+24+20+22=68

Do you know what’s the Numerical Value of 68? Chaim/Life and what is the Message from Hashem? Hashem runs the entire world from every country to every tiny city to every person and it’s all in the Power and Hands of Hashem the decree of every person like we say on Rosh Hashanah every year Lchaim Vlo Lamavess. (To life and not vice versa to death Chas Vshalom)

Do you think this is all just coincidence that ALL 3 WARS come to the same gematria numerical Value when you put their starting dates together? Or do we all know the truth in life that “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS COINCIDENCE” and everything has a direct wake up message from Hashem.

Do you think you can find this message in any Sefer in the world or any Gadol Hador speaking said this? This War is in middle of happening now and if we don’t wake up from denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP who knows what this war can become C”V. we don’t need a world war 3 C”V