Reply To: Zechiras Amolek

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Reb E, how has russia turned itself into amalek? They’re not attacking jews directly, there are yidden who are caught up in the crossfire…has Putin expressed any desire or done any action to target yidden?

Goyim are allowed to conquer other nations to increase their borders. Lehavdil, we are too, that is the essence of milchemes reshus, to increase the borders of eretz yisroel. Westerners might not like conquest, and we should pursue peace and of course advocate for the war to stop to save the yidden who are in danger, but the idea itself of one nation conquering another is not evil or forbidden.

Also, amalek being an “idea” that can manifest in other nations does not in the least detract from the obligations to wipe out even newborn infants. UJM is trying to drive home the idea that we are happy and proud to do mitzvos, even (actually, especially) when they go against our nature as rachmonim bnei rachmonim, because we are able to serve Hashem by breaking ourselves with mesiras nefesh, as avrohom avinu did with the akeidah. He didn’t do it begrudgingly, he woke up early bezeizus and was ready to do it as he did any other mitzvah. kal vechomer ben bno shel.kal vechomer when the subject of the mitzvah are reshoim.