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Reb E, rav belsky said that the divrei chaim’s main concern was taking away the parnosa of almanos and the poor. Rav shlomo kluger and others at the time allowed it – rav belsky also said that oberlander rabbonim like rav yonasan shteif ate machine matzos, and he said over a story about a choshuve yerushalmi yid who spent yom tov in a chasidishe town in poland. He had brought with him his machine matzos that were the norm in yerushalayim, but everywhere he went they wouldn’t let him into their homes…one family that was especially tolerant let him sit and eat them in a corner far away from their table.
I personally eat machine matzos that are shmurah and from a bakery in yerushalayim that has a sh’eris yisroel hashgocha, but not for the sedorim because of the shitos that hold that it might not be lishma.