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>>>I am talking about a whole universe of science as presented by hundreds of papers written by probably thousands of people. You seem to dismiss them all

I don’t dismiss them all but I also don’t think that a scientific peer reviewed paper about something that can’t be proven true with a clear cause and effect, where there are many unknown factors and only certain types of evidence are admissible in reaching that conclusion represents truth.

>>>You seem to dismiss them all, without presenting a specific argument.

Scientists frequently do that about things like (but not limited to) overwhelming anecdotal evidence against them.

>>>I can only think that this is based on internal feeling that we, Yidden, know and understand something important that others don’t.

I work in a non-Jewish professional office and interact with non-Jews most of the day . I’ve never met a non-Jew who had the incredible degree of Emunas Chachim in scientists and Emunah Pesutah
in various scientific claims like I see on the ostensibly frum science oriented blogs and forums