Reply To: Lubavitch – Mitzvah Tantz?

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TS Baum

Maybe take a look at the tens of thousands of baalei teshuvah who ARE tznius who werent before, brought back to Yiddishkeit by WHOM???
Lubavitch. Focus on the positive, don’t be such a pessimist.

Plus, It’s actually less in crown heights than other places. In boro park, if somebody dresses below what’s accepted, then they chase them out, and they do way worse things. On crown heights, they don’t use such methods, rather they hold dear the last connections to yiddishkeit they have left and try using that to slowly but surely get them back on the derech. It is actaully much more useffull and it works. But it doesn’t take a day. Or a week. It could take a while.

And don’t make lubavitcher’s answer for the other chassidisim, they should answer why they do things that aren’t so modest.