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🍫Syag Lchochma

GH -This probably is a response to a recent comment in a different thread but my organizational skills are limited.
I hear the disgust/disapproval in your ongoing presentation of full time learning, especially as it connects in your mind to wealthy in laws being bilked. The choice of words serves as propaganda to others as well, creating or enforcing the hate.
What you may not know is that in so many situations the full time learning is a source of tremendous pride, serenity, protection, foundation and affection. It often breeds appreciation between the wife to the husband who exerts and the husband to the wife who exerts. The “bilked” in laws are often not only not wealthy but living financially difficult lives who will thank Gd regularly for having the privilege of supporting someone to whatever extent they can in order for them to learn and bring wealth of a different type to the world.

If I had attended the latest simcha event of yours, I could probably describe it in a way that would make it sound tasteless, unappealing, over or under done – or paint it as the most enjoyable, tasteful evening ever. Same event, different glasses. (I in no way think it would have been negative, but that doesn’t mean I can’t spin it that way)