Reply To: The Russia-Ukraine War Hoax

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> Doing your best is doing his best to compare this Corona

Increasing confusion and disbelief in facts accumulates and destroys fabric of the society. One interesting observation I saw is that Russians are using same channels and fake personas to propagate confusion about the war as they used to question masks and vaccines. In one funny moment in 2016, same facebook bot propagated info about a pro- and an anti-trump demonstration in NYC to ensure a proper confrontation.

I don’t see this coupling here though: seems like people who question the war do not overlap much with those who question masks. I guess it means that we get this propaganda virus through long chains: most of us are not subscribed to RT “news” “reports”, but we hear it from someone who heard it from someone, so we all sure that we are all using info coming from “frum” sources. More generally, discussion style here is along the lines everywhere else in the media – throwing slogans, disregarding truth, disrespect to opponents – even if slightly elevated sometimes. That is what mentioned about Amalek that cooled the water for later enemies: you get desensitized to goyishe attitudes by seeing it everywhere and I don’t even see that people coming from more isolated communities behaving better. That is, we are all infected…