Reply To: Still bothered by the Hagada

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Reb Eliezer

Obviously at the time of the Beis Hamikdash it included Pesach also eaten with the matzah and marror but what about currently when the telling of Yetzias Mitzraim is also a mitzva? There is a mashal of telling it at the time of Meshiach from the Migdal Eider Haggadah. There was a poor man who had stomach problems but anyway it did not bother him as he could not afford any more than what he was able to eat. A doctor came and cured him. However, he could not show true appreciation as he desired more but could not afford it. When he became rich, that is when he was able to show the appreciation. Currently, as still being galus, we cannot show true hakoras hatov for yetzias mitzraim but when we will be redeemed, we will truly appreciated.