Reply To: Still bothered by the Hagada

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Reb Eliezer, How do you see in the Minchas Chinuch that there is currently a chiyuv to bring the Korban Pesach? He simply means that when the Bais Hamikdash will be rebuilt, and the 14 th of Iyar will come (hopefully still this year), that in and of itself could create a situation obligating us to bring the KP. It will be a 1 the day of KP + 2 there will be a standing B.Hamikdash. The Halacha is that a ger who converted between 14 Nissan and 14 Iyar is חייב to bring, despite the fact that he was 100% פטור from all the mitzvos at the time of the first KP.
רמב”ם הלכות קרבן פסח פרק ה
גר שנתגייר בין פסח ראשון לפסח שני, וכן קטן שהגדיל בין שני פסחים, חייבין לעשות פסח שני, ואם שחטו עליו בראשון פטור.