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In regards to Rav Hutner, i don’t think he publicly take the picture down. The way i heard it was that for the first few years after he arrived in America, he had a picture of Rav Kook in his Sukkah. He had been a Talmid of Rav Kook in Eretz Yisroel, and was in awe of him. After a few years, he stopped putting up that picture and instead put up a picture of The Satmar Rebbe. He was still Machshiv Rav Kook though. In the 1960’s he sent a letter to Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook, writing about his warm feelings towards Rav AY Kook. Later in life, he republished “Toras Hanazir”, which had a Haskamah from Rav Kook. He didn’t feel comfortable printing Rav Kook’s Haskamah, but he also didn’t think it was respectful to take out Rav Kook’s Haskamah, and keep the other Haskamos. He therefore removed all the Haskamos. I think this story reflects much of Rav Hutner’s feelings towards Rav Kook. He was Machshiv him, and felt that he had gained a lot from him, and he couldn’t do anything which would seem disrespectful to him. Nevertheless, he disagreed with much of his Hashkafah, and didn’t want to be associated with his circles. I had a Rebbi who is a Talmid of Rav Hutner; and who quotes him alot. He said that although Rav Hutner disagreed with Rav Kook’s Hashkafah, he was Machshiv him as one of the Gedolim. He also said that Rav Hutner would often quote ideas from Rav Kook without quoting Rav Kook by name. Rav Hutner’s top Talmidim, however, knew that he was quoting Rav Kook.