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hey, thanks everyone for your answers;

I’m already a part of my local ncsy (even though yeah, I find it a bit too modern sometimes), but apparently, I’m the first BT they have found in a really long time (like 20 years or something), everyone is surprised when I tell them my story. so even though I have made some friends there, most are either “modern FFB” or they sort of just do whatever they want, so yeah, no one like me.

I’m not sure if Oorah is active here, I will try to find out more.

also, I’m not in the NY area.

so basically I do BH have made amazing friends and have plenty of guidance from mentor figures I’ve gotten to know along the way, but I sometimes just want to feel like I have friends who are going through the same things/challenges as me. you don’t necessarily get that with teachers, rebbetzins or FFB friends.

and why do you assume that beevee is a teenage girl and not a 40 year old man looking for H.S. girls
because I would probably be looking someplace else if I were a creep, not on the yeshiva world…