Reply To: The solution to the shidduch crisis in one easy step!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The solution to the shidduch crisis in one easy step! Reply To: The solution to the shidduch crisis in one easy step!

Zaphod Beeblebrox

I never said that finances was a reason to do it. That would be dumb. We do not like to be dumb. We would therefore not do it for that reason. I said that it would solve the shidduch crisis (as clearly stated in the thread title), and you questioned how it would work financially, to which I answered, I thought quite reasonably, that the cost of living, which rises exponentially with each member of the family, would quite simply be offset by the additional income brought in by said members, allowing all the wives with all their kids to be supported comfortably.

This would especially be true if, as would most likely be the case, not all of the wives have the same amount of children, and a system would be established where the total income of all family members is split equally. If you have other reasons why this wouldn’t work I’d love to hear them, but I’m sorry, finances just isn’t one of them.