Reply To: Chaveirim, Yidden, and Lomdei Toirah, be malveh me your Oznayim

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Chaveirim, Yidden, and Lomdei Toirah, be malveh me your Oznayim Reply To: Chaveirim, Yidden, and Lomdei Toirah, be malveh me your Oznayim


I think it’s the opposite. Our yeshivishe shprach lends itself to a lot of ambiguities. It covers up for when we don’t know what we are saying. Being that for most in yeshiva today English is our first language, our brains would have a clearer understanding of what we can put into clear English.

I’ve heard people ramble endlessly trying to make a point in some yeshivisha sefer that could be succinctly put into one sentence. The general grasp of subject matter in the yeshiva world today is terrible. We talk about ‘ameilus’ and ‘iyun’ and ‘lomdus’. How about ‘havanah’?