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Menachem Shmei

@Chaylev Halyah:
Unfortunately, it seems that you never bothered to open up the Rambam which I mentioned two times. In general, if someone makes a statement and brings a reliable source for his statement, it pays to check up that source before answering back.

Come to think of it, I should really be דן לכף זכות, maybe you looked up the censored version of the Rambam so you didn’t see what I was talking about.

Let me be more clear: Open up an UNCENSORED version of רמב”ם הלכות מלכים פי”א ה”ד and read what he says. (once your at it, see also over there פי”ב ה”ה)

If you don’t agree, you can write: “@Rambam: Using my poor and humble logic which Hashem has gifted me with, your words seem to be wishful thinking. Hashem, please give me the strength to understand the Rambam’s holy words.”

P.S. The Rambam’s words are a bit too lengthy to post on the forum. But if you cannot find an uncensored version of the Rambam, let me know, and I can post the Rambam’s words here.