Reply To: 1914/1939 2.0

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Sam Klein

Reb Eliezer

Anyone could come up with words relating to the year and make up what it stands for like you wrote.

But these shocking messages that were written above and many more others all come directly from Hashem on the day that it shook the world as the buildings of 9/11 we’re still on fire Hashem already sent the wake up message relating to it down to this world to klal yisroel tragically that we needed such a wake up call. Do you think now over 20 years later you can find Written in any sefer in the world? Did you ever hear a tzaddik speaking or read it in a newspaper from 20 years of memorials repeated each year? Do you think that i could have just wrote it myself when im a businessman? These messages are too shocking to be written by any human being and come directly from Hashem each on tge day they happened with lots of them before any of us here in the coffee room were even born unless anyone here is a Holocaust survivor.

May we all stop living in denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP cause we can’t fool Hashem and Hashem knows that we got his tragic wake up call R”L now we all have to do our hishtadlus of preventing any future tragedies from hitting klal yisroel by immediately waking ourselves up together to serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP.