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Reb Eliezer

It also says עמו אנכי בצרה Hashem’s dwelling is with us in galus, the shechina. The Dubner Maggid explains what its says אנכי ארד עמך I will descend with you, and אעלך גם עלה, I will lift you out and Myself. The questions he asks, why by going down Hashem comes first whereas by coming up we come first? He compares this to a father who takes his young son to a swimming pool. When going down, to protect him, he goes down first and when coming up the protection is that the son should come first. Similarly, Hashem went down to Mitzraim first, then He took us down. However, when coming up, He takes us out first. Maybe this explains also the contradiction in the beginning of Shemos הבאים, present and באו, past. The Rabbenu Bachaya says that איש וביתו refers to Hashem and His court. So when the Jews went down to Mitzraim, Hashem came already. It will happen similarly in the current galus based on the pasuk, כימי צאתינו ממצרים אראנו נפלאות, the wonders we will see will be similar now as when we left from Mitzraim.