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jackk> I quoted the Rasmussen poll. I didn’t say anything else. I quoted the Rasmussen poll. I didn’t say anything else. You really should reserve your mussar for people who straight away lie.

Jackk, thanks for asking. I called your post on Rasmussen “misleading”. Genivat daas is defined when you cause someone to form an untruthful picture of the world.

A classical example is opening a new barrel of wine in honor of a guest. If you ran out of wine and open it when the guest came in … Or students coming for a walk and meeting a teacher. He thanks them for the kavod. They do NOT have to correct his impression, as he is “misleading himself” – there was no logical reason for them to know that he is coming.

In this case, you are quoting a poll – why? To create a certain impression. The poll appears to be an outlier. You could have put a caveat that there is a hopeful poll … I realize that by American standards, your post is pretty kosher, but you are talking here with serious people who would not eat with a heksher that was questionable 30 years ago, so you don’t want to get a bad reputation!