Reply To: Trump planned to dump Jared

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I agree 100% with moish. I accept Rav Miller’s point, but also realize that there is occasionally news that is consequential and worth paying close attention to. Refusing to step down from the presidency is big news and it is dangerous path. Keep in mind that anti-Trumpers warned since 2016 that Trump would probably refuse to step down from the presidency. They were right. Trump had a alluded to this possibility a few times during his presidency. When Hitler yamach shmo canceled elections in 1943 it was also worth paying attention to. I do not mean to compare the 2 in terms of policy or danger. But a dictatorial mind is a dictatorial mind. Like any leader with fascist tendencies, Trump showed again and again he’s willing to boot any person or group based on what’s in his interest, not based on stability of or nation.