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Ym, marx – learn Jewish history; whenever the government tries to tell us how to do anything, it doesn’t end well. It wouldn’t have ended well if this was 20 years ago when things were relatively sane, because it would bring in anti Torah values into our schools and our children’s minds.

It’s not “fear mongering” – what’s to stop the government from saying that substantial equivalency requires a robust education in gender studies and tolerance of LGBT? They pump the kids full of this stuff in public school.

Give it 2 years – first it’s “basic English” then it’s “on grade level”, until they mandate that we spend just as much time on secular studies as public schools, including mandatory gym classes, music, etc…then give it 3 more years and after they will have reduced yeshivos into after-school talmud torahs, they will force us to have the full gamut of gender and LGBT in our class.

They will abolish dress codes, as they are gender constrictive; tznius is a violation of “children’s rights” (a movement which wants to limit parent’s abilities to educate their children religiously)

This is what’s happening in public schools.

The hate speech in the NYT and the gezeros on chinuch should spur us only to reach inward and see how we can improve our chinuch – in limudei kodesh! My rebbe rav belsky said during the gezeros on metzitzah b’peh, that it’s just like by chanukah, when the cohanim had become complacent in their avodah… Hashem then threatened the avodah and Torah altogether. By milah, rav belsky said that younger mohalim give a small peck to be yotzei zayn, and don’t treat the mitzvah carefully.

When chinuch is threatened, it’s a sign that we’re not doing enough of it.