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I would send my children to schools that work for them, and are in keeping with one of the valid mesoros. I do not think i am capable, nor do i plan on raising my children in the satmar community.

I speak English in my house, and my mesorah is that it’s best for most boys and all girls to graduate high school, unless the boy is in 10th grade, outstanding in learning, and will undoubtedly use the time spent on secular studies to learn.

Sara schnirer changed chinuch for women; she gained the approval of the gedolei hador. If chasidim want to present their case to their rabbonim – by all means they can. I don’t see why they have to change, as I’ve been saying – it works. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. They don’t need to cause an upheaval just to accommodate people who choose to go off the derech – that shouldn’t be an option regardless of circumstances.

If there’s anything i think the chasidishe world needs, and I’m not in a position to lecture them, it’s mental health awareness. It’s something we all are learning about, in all parts of klal yisroel. It can be mussar/chasidus based, it can be from heimishe sources, vut in all of our yeshivos there is a need for such things. But it does need to come from within, and it can save many neshomos.