Reply To: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? Reply To: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution?


“Is this YU group trying to help homosexuals STOP ENGAGING IN HOMOSEXUALITY?

That’s like asking did you stop hitting your wife yes or No. I don’t know the teiyereh yidden who will join the club I am required to give them the benefit of doubt and assume that although they have this YH they have never chas veshalom acted upon it.
OF course if any R’Chl has then the answer to your question is a resounding YES (al caps)
as the letter says “we have been working to formulate a Torah framework to provide our LGBTQ students with an enhanced support system that continues to facilitate their religious growth and personal life journeys.”


“nice try in attempting to evade your moral relativism when it’s clearly pointed out.”

what do you mean try? I am evading it . It has no bearing on this thread. You are trying to slip it in to pontificate, I’m not taking the bait.

“You then attempted to say that Rav Moshe’s Torah is relative to how goyim in his time viewed toevos”
Again no attempt. I quoted R’ Moshe as supplied by UJM VERBATIM. I didn’t add a word . Perhaps you disagree with R’ Moshe. I have no problem with that , though I am not sure why you would. Perhaps you disagree with the translation you’d have to point out where but ok thats fine.

“Again, how would you feel if YU made a support group for people who are attracted to children? Do you think a yeshiva is a place for that?”

I’m surprised this is controversial.
If there was a need I’d feel terrible if they DIDN’T create such a group
It sounds dangerous not to!