Reply To: POLL hocul-zeldin

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coffee addict, I totally agree that we have to do hishtadlus but I don’t think Zeldin is necessarily a better choice than Hochul, despite the anti-crime rhetoric, and therefore I wouldn’t vote either of them. Someone who takes a pervert as a running mate, I can guarantee won’t fight the liberals against abortion and he won’t fight against LGTBQ policies, even when they effect children. In fact, I believe the opposite will happen and whom will the conservatives and right wingers blame for destroying New York (and the USA)? The Jews, that’s who…they are not interested in blaming Coumo, Hochul, and non-Jewish liberals, they’ll pin the blame on Zeldin…I see the writing on the wall …

And for those saying he’ll save the moisdos…well, the askanim and rabbonim endorsed Democrat politicians ’cause they promised the moon so the Chareidi block votesxwent for Democrats and look where we are now … In any case, the governor has no legal say in the Department of Ed, although his word may carry some weight, they are not bound by the governor in any way. If someone is voting for Zeldin because of this issue then their vote is not worth much, if at all.

Zeldin will likely do a better job than Hochul fighting crime ( Hochul did not do her job at all) but because of the other issues I bought up, I think the drum communities rallying around Zeldin is a bad idea.