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given unexpected hunger for data in this group, I verified my early unscientific survey on Shabbos with a more systematic data collection … I started making mental notes by brochos, continued while waiting for the 10th, and finished by shmone esre. Hope my small (*) decrease in kavanah is justified by this small contribution to science.
(*) small decrease as my initial kavana was not high enough

So, out of 10 people, I a priori evaluated 6 is uncareful and 4 as careful based on previous behaviors. Out of 6 uncarefuls, 3 were no sound, 2 (adult + teenager) were dry-coughing every 10 minutes, 1 (adult) – every 20 minutes. Multiple coughs b-toch-dibur were counted as one. Out of 4 carefuls, all no sound.

As they say in exploratory analysis, this data is of course not enough to make any conclusions, but it is sufficient to define what to collect for. So, others are welcome to follow the same protocol: evaluate people in advance, then count cough rates per group.