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Much of what I’m going to post was already posted but you ignored it- therefore I’m going to write it again. Instead of ignoring your post I took the time to respond to each of your points and I trust that you will reciprocate.
Republicans want to make it easy for people to take responsibility for themselves so the government can take a step back while the Democrats are creating a culture where people cannot take responsibility for themselves, thus relying on the government, voting Democrat and keeping those politicians in power.
Many of the pressing issues that you’ve brought up in the past would be non-issues if people took responsibility for themselves and didn’t get them into situations where they need the government to take care of them.
For example:
If people would only take out student loans for degrees where they can realistically pay back their loans (i.e. STEM instead of Gender Studies) the student loan crisis would be a non-issue.
If people would take care of their health, not overdose on drugs, not smoke and not do dangerous things the health insurance affordability crisis would be a non-issue.
If people would take the proper precautions to ensure that they don’t become pregnant- the abortion crisis would be a non-issue.
If people would follow the law and not commit crimes the cashless bail crisis would be a non-issue.
If people that are attracted to others of the same gender would get the psychological help that they need the toeva crisis would be a non-issue.
With that being said I’m going to address what I think you were trying to write in your post.
You ask what Lo Taaseh’s the Republican Party follows?
The short answer is every Lo Taaseh that the Democratic party follows plus the Lo Taaseh of murder and immoral marriages. Abortion and gun control are two very different things and you know this. Guns have good uses and unfortunately bad uses. If you can somehow get guns out of the hands of bad people it’ll be a different equation- until then good people need guns to protect themselves against bad people that have the guns illegally. (Your problem with guns is that without guns good people need to rely on the government instead of being able to take care of themselves.)
Virtually all abortions could have been avoided if the mother would have taken appropriate steps earlier on. There are virtually no good abortions- it’s a selfish act by a person who has no problem denying a person the possibility of graduating so that they can graduate, denying a person the joy of socializing with friends so that they can socialize with their friends…
I have no idea what you’re talking about in your second paragraph but I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that you’re complaining that Republicans don’t like the generous entitlements that the Democrats are wasting by paying people not to take care of themselves. I may be wrong but I don’t think there’s a mitzvah to take money from someone who needs it and give it to someone who wouldn’t otherwise need it. I also think that there’s no mitzvah in giving entitlements to people to keep them in the cycle of poverty. (As I mentioned before in other threads, if entitlements would only be giving to those who for mental or physical reasons can’t sustain themselves as well as those who are temporarily down on their luck, the entitlement crisis would be a non-issue.)
You mention Avoda Zara, Aver min Hachay, White Collar Gezeila, Other forms of Giluy Arayos?
I don’t beleive either party is against Avoda Zara, Aver min Hachay or Giluy Arayos. White Collar Gezeila? Again- I’m not sure what you’re referring to there but the Republicans are against theft while the Democrats don’t seem to have an issue with that (releasing criminals multiple times per day on cashless bail…). You also have to keep in mind that just about all politicians are not role models in their personal lives- you’re voting for them for their policies, not the way they act.
(As a side point- you mention Giluy Arayos, while Former President Trump’s behavior around women is nothing to be proud of, it’s technically not Giluy Arayos, while it’s common knowledge that President Biden started living with Jill while she was married to someone else- a gross violation of Giluy Arayos- but I don’t recall you ever having an issue with that.)
I also noticed that you surreptitiously left out one of the Sheva Mitzvos Bnai Noach- the one regarding Dinim, establishing laws and a system of courts. I see the Republicans taking this seriously- President Trump nominated three amazing justices who follow the Constitution to the letter and even voted against the president who nominated them when they felt his claim wasn’t within the law. On the other hand- take a look at the Democrats- President Obama nominated a justice to the supreme court that had zero experience as a judge, President Biden nominated a justice that is either clueless regarding the Constitution or has no respect for the Constitution (based on the number of her earlier rulings that were overturned). Not only that- she was nominated solely for her gender and skin color even though she couldn’t even define what a woman is!
Why would I want to live in any of the countries you mentioned? There’s a difference between not wanting those grotesque parades or perverts in female locker rooms. Most Republicans would have no issue with consenting adults doing whatever they want behind closed doors as long as they don’t shove it in everyone’s face. As I mentioned before the issue is with the redefinition of what a marriage is. (You seem to think that it’s just a silly piece of paper so who cares. It more than that- for starters think about the orphans that will end up being placed in these dysfunctional marriages- would they have any chance of growing up normal?)
You’re seriously out of your mind if you think that Republicans are trying to restrict my ability to live as a Frum Yid. I don’t see the Republicans starting up with Yeshivas and telling them that they need to teach subjects that are totally against what we believe in.
Would you be able to give some examples of how they’re restricting our ability to live as Frum Yidden?