Reply To: Anti-semitism: Republicans vs Democrats

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Anti-semitism: Republicans vs Democrats Reply To: Anti-semitism: Republicans vs Democrats

Reb Eliezer

The Chasan Sofer explains in the Hagadah why the Chacham is using a similar expression of excluding himself as the rasha. He is called a chacham and not a tzadik as his behavior is smart. The rasha hides the fact that he is a rasha in order that the others should not knock his teeth out. The chacham does an action to get the rasha to reveal himself. By using a similar expression, the rasha thinks that he is also a rasha and thereby uses an unequivocal expression to exclude himself. Similarly, Trump by not condemning the white supremacists, makes them think that Trump approves their behavior since he is one of them.