Reply To: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle

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I am surprised that nobody hear has ever learned avos. @1, Have you never heard the words “Asei Lecha Rav”? You are supposed to have 1 Rav for yourself- one person who you ask your shailos to, and you should do whatever he says. If your Rav tells you something is assur, then that is your psak and you should consider it assur. If you then go and find a Rav who will mattir it for you, then it really shows something bad about you. It displays that you have very little or no yiras shamayim- you only want to do the ratzon Hashem if it works out for you, and if it doesn’t, then you will make it work. At this point, why wouldn’t you just go to a reform Rav, who will mattir anything for you. By going kulah shopping, you show that you have no realy respect for halacha, and that you do not understand in any way how halacha works.
I hope you only wrote that there is nothing wrong with kulah shopping as a troll.