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Some 25 years ago RAY gave a chumash shiur in which he explained the Briskar shita of “Bikoires”

He said that having “bikoires” on another gadol doesn’t in any way mean to disqualify that persons greatness. It is just their mesorah to teach bachurim what they feel is right and wrong according to their own Briskar mesoirah and point out where others went astray from what they concider correct.

He gave a poignant mashal of when by his own Bar Mitzva his father Rav Berel Zatzal took him to get a bracha from the then Mirrer RY ( I forget who it was) even though the day before his father shreid away about something that RY did.

He understood that his father had utmost respect for him even though he disagreed with certain shitos of his.

He went on to say that our problem is that we judge Gedolim by the news outlets (he specified one) and they “make” our gedolim. THerefore we feel if we made them than having taynos on them ultimately brakes them.

Disclaimer: I am not saying I or others agree to their shita and explanation. But as he himself said that doesn’t necessarily disqualify them from gadlus.

And despite my personal missgiving the mere fact HKBH gave him such success for so many years against all odds when other Yeshivos came and went many time over….seems to show a certain siyata deshmaya he must have.