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Ujm: I think you are (purposely) missing my point. You point to the six seconds as if that fact exonerates the man. My point is that the six seconds tells us nothing because that is how long an actual abduction takes. What exonerates him isn’t the six seconds you keep pointing to but the fact that he is innocent as shown in the video.
As for second point, it has nothing to do with my wife to your mother. Here is the kitzur, in full, unredacted:
יש ליזהר שלא ילך איש בין שתי נשים, ולא בין שני כלבים או שני חזירים, וכן לא יניחו האנשים שתלך ביניהם אשה או כלב או חזיר
Now read this to any frum, yeshivish, chareidi woman. ALL such women will always have one of the following two reactions, she will either tell you she is offended or she will lie to you.