Reply To: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies Reply To: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies


Dear NoM

I did that in earlier posts which you decided is only .oooosomething of society.

I myself learned there many years ago and boys waited over a year to get into shiur and it was the norm to come to BMG at age 24 and then get stuck in the freezer….

I have sons that age now who are hoping to go to Brisk (because if you don’t you are just “nisht”) and they tell me their respective Rosh Yeshivos only put 4th year bachurim on the reshima and even than they are backed up with talmidim in E”Y who are waiting to get in and are in the “waiting places” (sounds to me like a a bus station platform. lol).

And then they need to wait at least a year to get into Reb Yankel or Chaim ben RAY shiur. It seems RAY shiur itself is out of style or maybe min 2 year wait.

So as you said my math isn’t the greatest so please make your own cheshbon with or without a caculator.