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Avira- i don’t have time for a long response, but i do find it interesting that you write there were different schools of thought, and then limit yourself to the approaches of the Satmar Rav and the Brisker Rav, both of whom viewed it negatively.
How about the school of thought of the Ponivitzer Rav who strongly felt that the state is is a Yeshuah for Klal Yisroel?
Or of Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky who held that the state was meant as a Chizuk to Bnei Yisroel after the despair of the Holacaust?
Or of Rav Yechiel Michel Tichitzinky who saw in the state, a Kiyum of the Pessukim which discuss the Geulah?
Or of Rav Dessler who writes that one has to be blind not to see the Chesed of having a state?
Or of the Tzitz Eliezer who considerd the state to be “Aschalta Digeulah”?
Or of Rav Ovadya, who in fact, uses the miracles of winning the wars, as support that the state of Israel is positive (see his article about “land for peace” in Torah Shebal Peh journal )?
This is just on the top of my head.
And this is all besides for the views of the numerous Gedolim in the Mizrachi world (Rav Herzog, Rav Zevin, Rav Yoshe Ber, etc.)
Doesn’t seem so intellectually honest to write about all these schools of thought, and then limit yourself to the ones you personally ascribe to.