Reply To: Medinah

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Medinah Reply To: Medinah


Coffee, I agree that every tragedy is ultimately good, but when it comes to spiritual calamities, we respond differently ythan physical ones. When the Jews were threatened during Purim, they accepted it as a gezerah from shomayim; they knew they were deserving of the punishment, and davened, fasted, did teshuvah, and were saved in the end. They didn’t make plans for war.

When the goyim attacked the torah during chanukah, we didn’t keep quiet. We went to war for Hashem, but that’s the only time we respond that way.

The Holocaust was like a Purim story, except we did not escape the gezerah…the chazon ish said we would have if we had responded to it the way the yidden did in eretz yisroel; i.e., fasting, teshuvah, davening, etc…which is when Rommel was confounded miraculously, like Sancheriv in Yerushalayim.

What the state represents is an attack from Yavanim. They are continuously trying to undermine Hashem and His Torah at every turn, and they’ve been successful. Our response to spiritual threat isn’t to sit and say gam zu letovah; it’s a spur from shomayim to improve ourselves, separate ourselves from the assimilationists and fight any and all attempts at increasing the already collosal, heretofore nonexistent level of chilul Hashem that the state makes every second of every day. We need to tell the world that the state does not represent the Jewish people, to minimize that chilul Hashem as much as we can. How can we sit idly by while the name of Hashem is dragged through the mud so very much?