Reply To: Medinah

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Avirah you are clearly very knowledgeable, you’re ability to list the negative that the State of Israel has brought to the world so eloquently is impressive. So for you not to be able to think of at least one positive brought about by the State for which to be makir tov is beyond imagination. Especially since you postulated that Israel is a net loss implying that there is some positive. The only explanation is that you didn’t even give your mind a chance to go there lest your mind waver towards the Zionist snare. If you should choose to venture out you will find that there is a Torah Renaissance happening all over the world. The amount of rehokim coming close to Torah is immeasurable. The Jewish community at large is a lot greater in number than those already committed to Torah. If you believe in the power of Torah to influence the world and you recognize that the Torah of Eretz Yisrael has an effect beyond imagination than you’ll realize that the ripple effect enabled by the State of Israel has a tremendous influence on world Jewry. If there is something to learn from yetziat mitzrayim for this topic it is that geula is not dependent on total dedication to Yahadut. Hashem chose to give His Torah to a group of people who not long before were at the lowest possible levels. It is obvious that the bad can’t be ignored but don’t let it blind you from the good that Hashem has bestowed on us. Don’t speak so negatively without anything good to say. I wish there was more I can do to contribute to making Medinat Yisrael a better place and it aches me that such unspeakable things could be happening there, but instead of doubting the Creators plan and complaining that it isn’t how I think it should be, I choose to recognize the good that He has done and see the larger picture that in the end it’s all part of the master plan.