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Baby Squirrel

Satmar is wrong. The Three Oaths are not Halacha. This will all be shown clearly when Moshiach comes. Being a weak & wimpy is not yiddishkeit. We have a mitzvah to Occupy the Land and to Displace the Inhabitants there. It is a Moral Obligation and it comes from the Torah.

– Chutz Laaretz has a din of Tumah. Eretz Yisroel is din Kodosh.

– Hashem is only our God if we live in Eretz Yisroel – His land that He gave us.

– Mitzvahs only fully apply in Eretz Yisroel. All else is just training/chinuch.

– The mitzvah of living in EY does apply to today, מדאורייתא – Rav Chaim Kanievsky said so; and it’s clear from how much the Torah focuses on it, that it is and should be the focal point of Jewish life. We have been in Golus for so long that we have forgotten the basics of what it means to live a Jewish life – living a life of torah in our land – the holy land.

– There is a Mitzvah DeOraisah of Yishuv Baaretz, living in Eretz Yisrael. You must settle all of the land and openly take/stake your claim so that the goyim and others cannot take it from you to use for their own benefit. Goyim may not benefit from the land that Hashem gave to Am Yisrael without the express permission from the Yidden.

– You must live there and learn Torah there and raise your children there breathing the holy air of the land with the special protection of Hashem.

– Moshe Rabbeinu – the greatest person who has ever lived, fervently wanted to have the merit to step foot in the Holy Land, and he davened & begged Hashem over and over again to allow him to enter, but Hashem did not let. And here we are today deliberately choosing to stay in Chutz La’aretz (many of us) because of some self righteous ‘chareidi’ anti-zionist avodah zarah and not partaking in this great mitzvah which our grandparents and great-grandparents fervently dreamt about and begged hashem for…. a big insult to Hashem and to his torah.

– There are hundreds of thousands of Yidden who are עוסק בתורה in the land under the protection of Hashem, and the country is a strong military and nuclear power.

בא ורשו את הארץ