Reply To: Rabbeim- ditch the drink

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I fully feel for the the Yiddishe Momma. She must have had a bad experiance with some Rebbi. But that is not the norm.
And besides Yiddishe Mommas were never the poisek achron for klall yisroel.
Most talmidei chachomim who get drunk are such a Kiddush Hashem. Ask any nonjewish janitor from Yeshivos. They are “arois from their keilim” watching how Yeshiva Bachurim get drunk and there is no fighting etc just hugging each other and darshening in learning. It is utterly amazing to watch the Torah that flows from your regular 18 /19 year old serious yeshiva bachur by ad delo yoda.
Kiddush sheim shomayim in its fullest sense!! The ahavah and purity pours out in ways you wopuld never see. I remember one 19 year old bachur ratteling off the first perek of mesilas yeshorim by heart,something this quiet masmid would never do soberdikeheit.