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Marx – do you not believe that the Torahs promise of punishment in this world, should the jews sin, is true?

There was never a phenomenon of so many jews leaving Torah as there was before the Holocaust. That’s not cherry picking. It’s reading the bible.

During other calamities, such as the gezerah of Purim, did jews say like you…well, we never really know why…so let’s just go about our ways and pray it goes away? No! They did teshuva. They identified their mistakes, that they enjoyed the meal lf achashverosh.

Had you been alive in Shushan, you would have opposed Mordechai. And you would have put us all in danger.

Tach vetat was unclear, which is why the tosfos yom tov asked about it in shomayim. And he was given an answer. Talking in shul is a big deal up there. Were you aware of that?