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Avi, i missed the “lashon hora about eretz yisroel” which you slipped in there – there is no problem of speaking lashon hora about things that happen in the land which are against Hashem’s will. He mandated in eretz yisroel to punish sinners, and sent neviim to chastise citizens lf eretz yisroel publicly.
The ben ish chai is talking about people who we are commanded not to speak badly of. So if people say “those charedim in israel who take money and don’t serve in the army….” He is guilty of lashon hora on residents lf eretz yisroel. But if he says “those reshoim who pollute the land with their chilul shabbos and toeva parades…” He is in sync with the Torahs attitude about such people. Being in the land doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want with impunity.
Lashon hora about the land is what the meralglim did; that the land itself is bad.