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Here’s a cool deep understanding of Shema Yisrael in honor of Lag Baomer when the inner aspects of Torah were revealed (that I learned today):
The short version: Hashem really cares about what you have in mind when you work or make supper.
Long version:
So when a Jew contemplates how Hashem is much greater than all of His Unlimited light, of which sparks chipped off and descended into this world for us to elevate…
Ayin=70= 7 middos x 10 (kochos they are inclusive of)
And the Ayin is big to represent the intellectual (as opposed to emotional) excitement that this contemplation brings
Yisrael= the Jewish people who are tasked with bringing this revelation into all the mundane acts of their lives by doing it with a G-dly intent
When we do this, then
Hevaya= the Unlimited Light of Hashem becomes unified with
Elokeinu= Bina of Atzilus- the first place we can feel that we have some grasp of the new G-dly revelation
Hevaya = The Unlimited Light of Hashem descends further to unite with
Echad= the lower Sefirot where one may think that G-d is not one as the Sefirot may have contradictory characters, so it unites with The Unlimited Light of Hashem to become truly One with Him, and then
Baruch Shem Kvod Malchuso Lolam Vaed…
The Light descends further to give all the worlds life force until it reaches us and makes physical changes in our world such as healing the sick etc.
This is the type of stuff I love to learn about Hashem 😀😀