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This may be a relevant question, as there is a special brachah to make when seeing someone who is considered a big talmud chacham – which some translate as knowing kol haTorah. Here are some who gedolim have said the brachah could be recited for (not all are living):
Chofetz Chaim
R’ Meir Simcha from Dvinsk
R’ Dovid Karliner
Rogachover Gaon
R’ Ahron Kotler
Steipler Gaon
R’ Shach
R’ Elyashiv
R’ Chaim Kanievsky

I believe I remember reading that a major Rav had said it could be recited for R’ Shteinman as well, but I can’t seem to find that source now. For those listed above, I have sources for them.

Nowadays, it’s very difficult to find someone who the brachah can be recited for. I happen to have a relative who it may be possible for, but I’ve never asked. He sits and learns all day, actually keeping the same seder as R’ CHaim Kanievsky zt”l did, finishing up kol haTorah each year. But he doesn’t want it publicized, because he doesn’t want to be disturbed from his learning by people coming to ask for brachos.