Reply To: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO Reply To: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO


I take issue with you calling them “off the derech” and it’s the same issue I have with Da labeling things as “chumros”
To illustrate I will quote Rav miller on naso (todays toras avigdor. Get the set if you don’t already have it)
“Every Jew looks at those better than him as being fanatics”
That’s why Da thinks all of Lakewood is full of Jews running after chumros
But the reverse is also true
You seem to hold everyone below you is off the derech
I think there is room to acknowledge that we all need to grow while acknowledging that making excuses for staying stagnant is just that, an excuse