Reply To: The Liozna Rebbe

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mr avira de ara. yes, and by the way thats what alot of chassidus is – learning medrashim בעיון. just learn 10 maamerim and chances are it many of them are explaining medrashim.
youre gedolim tought you that torah was given לעשות שלום בעולם or the oppisite.
what about motzi shem ra? lashon hara, shkarim??
you believe in hashem? how can you say such apikorses?
learn some chassidus, and start derhering that there is a g-d, he loves every jew – including you.
and you should love every jew because every jew is g-d’s child.
the rebbe also loves you more than you love yourself, and he loves every jew even the biggest misnagdim who hated him.
so sad to see litvishe hashkofos – if only they tasted chassidus, טעמו וראו כי טוב ה