Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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menachem: “ou contradict yourself:
“all those who are not Lubavichers know that they are unreliable”
“sorry but I am not saying what I heard from anyone else other than Lubavicher chassidim.””

Not a contradiction. All non-Lubavichers to whom I have spoken about the Rayatz’s stories say they don’t believe they are true. A number of Lubavichers – obviously not all Lubavichers – have told me that it was written as historical fiction.

Btw I understand that you don’t accept that it is fiction, but a thinking person reading them will find many reasons to decide that it is indeed so. I’ll try to find some more anomalies, but I don’t want to quote what I have heard without first ensuring that I can find a source.
I also note that you have not been able to explain the “science” involved in the sundial story.

“my hope is that you respect your rebbe more than you expect others to respect their’s”

As to other chassidim’s respect for their rebbes, it depends on the rebbe in question. When I was much younger I respected the Lubavicher rebbe greatly and understood why his chassidim respected him. It was only when I saw what he was encouraging his followers to do and to believe that I lost a lot of respect, and hoped that his followers would too.