Reply To: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation Reply To: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation


Why don’t we bring it down to the physical world level?

How can a person feel the pain of another yid-nosei beol- going through major suffering chas vshalom? By putting himself into that person exact situation and feeling what suffering chas vshalom he must be dealing with right now. And doing something about it to help his friend out. If he needs financial help or chizzuk etc….

Now bring this up a level to ruchnius etc…. How do YOU think Hashems holy shechina is feeling watching his loving children klal yisroel suffering so much in Golus rachmana litzlan especially when it all could’ve been avoided if klal yisroel as a whole nation together had done teshuva before Hashem had to make klal yisroel go through so much tzaros rachmana litzlan? Hashems holy shechina is going through such unlimited pain 24-7 begging Hashem to find a way to stop klal yisroel suffering already.

But with Hashem blessing all of us with bechira-free will-the choice is completely in our hands when the suffering of klal yisroel will come to a complete stop. As soon as we wake ourselves up from living in denial and FACE REALITY together as one loving nation begging Hashem forgiveness and do serious teshuva and Achdus then Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.