Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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Menachem, the gemara isn’t a kasha on the Lubavitcher rebbe. Anyone who says that there is nevuah – you can say it’s from kabalah, or from 100 kal.vechomers to be metaher a sheretz – the gemara is the gemara. The rishonim don’t take the gemara out of its pashtus. It’s not a “kasha” on the Lubavitcher rebbe; the Lubavitcher rebbe is saying something against not only a gemara, but a clear mesorah from chazal until today.

Again, has any singular individual besides shabsai tzvi and nasan from gaza claimed to be a navi since the churban? At all…anyone?

So the Lubavitcher rebbes claims are against all of that. It’s not cowardice, just lack of interest, and i like to keep my head uncluttered by divergent opinions, this includes neo Lubavitch, religious zionism, ortho-maskilim, modern orthodoxy, fringe breslov, and other divergent groups. My head isn’t a reshus horabim, i value my sechel and my hashkofos.

Qwert – i think you’re misunderstanding me. There’s no contradiction between what i said yesterday and today. When i said that chabad will ultimately embrace the 99% of the Lubavitcher rebbes teachings which are not problematic, i am referring to things which are avodah zara or apikorsus related. Thinfs which can take a person out of klal yisroel. They’ll still have weird stuff like what’s being discussed here, but believing that there can be nevuah nowadays is not, at least i don’t think, apikorsus. It’s just a mistake. Lots kf groups have mistakes; it doesn’t make them invalid and chutz lemachaneh. There are only a couple of things which the Lubavitcher rebbe said/wrote which are assur to repeat, god-in-a-body being the chief example.