Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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Cs, you’re avoiding the issue – a religious jew wants the world to know that putin, biden, and netanyahu do not run the world, rather Hashem does. That’s giluy kovod malchus shomayim, something we daven for 3x a day and spend the entire Rosh Hashanah asking for…vehofa behadar gaon uzcha…we yearn for the world to recognize Hashem, because of the tzar hashechina, because of the thicj hester panim that it puts us in, and simply because we love Hashem and we wish everyone knew about him.

Cunin didn’t say that. He wants the goyishe world to see(and he said it emphatically) and know clearly that it’s the (Lubavitcher) rebbe who runs the world.

If he were speaking about chasidim knowing this esoteric idea of being a merkava to Hashem, being honored by Him as the figurehead leader while Hashem is really in charge…. would he say that the whole world should know it? Wouldn’t that be, to say the least, misplaced priorities? Shouldn’t they first believe in Hashem at all?

Is chabads longing for the world to acknowledge their rebbe more potent than their desire for the world to accept Hashem?

Please give a clear answer. Or you can just say cunin is wrong, which means the mainstream head of wesr coast chabad is espousing a hashkofa very wrong in the eyes of the Torah.