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Murderous hate against ALL Jews is taught in schools run by:
The “Palestinian Authority” and Hamas in Gaza, and Jordan, Iran, and most Arab nations.

Every year, many millions of Arab children are taught to hate AND KILL ALL JEWS.

This hate starts as-early-as-possible, at the age of what Americans call “Kindergarten”.
This anti-Jewish hate “education” is taught every year, until students graduate from school.

One typical example:
If there are 25 Jews in a bus, and Achmed kills 10 of them, how many Jews are left alive?

This anti-Jewish hate is also taught by Arab television programs specifically aimed children.

Children as young as 4 or 5 years old are taught that:
“Jews stole Palestine, and the only solution is to kill them all.”
These lessons come from the Arab equivalent of Sesame Street or Disney characters.

Please note that Arab children are taught to hate-and-kill *** ALL *** Jews, even those Jews who are non-Zionist, even those Jews who are anti-Zionist. They make no distinction between Secular Jews and Chareidi Jews. They make no distinction between religious and non-religious.

In conclusion, it is not enough to sue individual Arab terrorists.
We must also sue the schools and television programs that teach hate to Arab children.

We must also sue the”Palestinian Authority” which PAYS people who KILL JEWS.
(This is known as the infamous “pay-for-slay” program.)